Sunday, November 16, 2008

I had a wonderful weekends spending all my time with my family!!! I enjoy my life in Ipoh. Here I can do whatever I want =)

Well, this 2 days my mood was extremely good, probably is because I am home sweet home. LOL

Watched a Hong Kong movie by the name of 'La Lingerie'. By looking at its chinese name you will think that it must be a 18SX movie but instead the movie was quite touched. I cried at somewhere at the end of the movie. I think I am the only silly one who cried coz all my friends said that it was a funny movie and they were all wondering why I cried. Anyway, overall it was a nice movie for me except that there were some part that I feel it was abit nonsense =x

Let me share some silly thing bout me. I don't really like people to buy me flower as gift no matter the person is my bf or even my close friend. Coz for me receiving flowers is something embarrassing. People may be very proud of themselves when they receive a big bouquet of flowers but for sure I am not that one =x Haha, so readers, don't ever buy me flowers as gift ya =)

I am so excited bout lot of things. Waiting impatiently for my holiday, waiting impatiently for the next year to come and at last waiting impatiently for my convocation. Wondering how my convocation will be =x Am I really graduating next year May? Wow, really can't imagine bout that. =)

Shall end my blog here! All the best to my friends =)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Finally submitted all the assignment and finished all the presentations =) The next thing that we have to work on is our thesis and also our final test =)

Well, Sg Long is no longer a safe place. Lots of criminal cases took place here. For those who are living here, please be extra careful =x

Spent most of my time at home this week since I don't really feel like going out =x

Short and sweet blog~ Shall end my blog here =x

Monday, November 10, 2008

Emo-ing!!! Please keep away from me! LOL

Having headache and stomach pain at the same time!!! ARGH!!!!

Maple is treating me badly. I wanna hunt poison mushroom but I just couldn't get it after I hunt few hours with my dar!! Is just a poison mushroom? GM, Please drop me one?

Someone made my day today!! Thanks!

Since I am emo-ing, I don't really know what to write. Shall end my blog here.

I will keep my promise. Don't regret ya~

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sorry Readers!! Was busy with my work this few days and that's the reason I never update my blog.

Last monday I went to my friend's house for Deepavali celebration. That was the first time that I visited friend's house during Deepavali. Her mum served us with lots of delicious home-made biscuits as well as some home-made dishes like curry mutton and curry chicken.

Watched High School Musical 3 on last Tuesday. Received a few different comments from my friends where some of them said that too much singing inside the movie, some enjoyed the singing part, and some enjoyed watching at Troy Bolton. For me, I feel that the movie was not bad overall.

Wednesday onwards I was rushing my assignment. Doing some finalizing and editing task for our group assignment.

Went to a warehouse sales organized by Club 21 on Friday. It was supposed to be a nice time for us to do shopping. But we was cheated by the advertisement. The advertisement was telling that there was 90% discounts on the branded products but the price even after discounts need bout few hundreds. When you look at the price before discounts, you will get shocked! Thousand plus? three thousand plus? LOLS

For my weekends, I spent almost all the time mapling =x I am climbing the stairs to level 120. Level 116 now and 4 more levels to bishop!!! Wait for me plsssssssssssss~~~

Will try my best to update my blog more regularly =) Shall end my blog here! Gambateh to all who is having the midterm test tomorrow!